Understanding the Side Effects of Low Testosterone in Men

How do you know if you have low testosterone?
While the only real way to find out is through blood analysis and diagnosis from a hormone specialist, you can get a good idea if your hormone levels are in trouble by looking at the side effects of low testosterone in men in the following section. If you recognize at least a few of these issues as being present for you, it is time to contact Kingsberg Medical hormone clinic for a free phone consultation.The side effects of low testosterone in men let you know if you need to take the next step and contact a hormone specialist.
What Are the Side Effects of Low Testosterone in Men?
Because testosterone influences many of the same functions in females as it does in males (erectile issues aside), women often exhibit many of the same side effects of low testosterone in men. If you happen to notice any of these issues in the women in your life, please let them know to seek help with our medical advisors. These low testosterone side effects can be detrimental to anyone who does not get the help they need.What are the side effects of low testosterone in males?
Very low testosterone levels can show up in the following ways:- Changes in Sexual Function
Testosterone is the primary sex hormone, not only for men but also for women. It fuels the libido and also stimulates receptors in the brain that stimulate feelings of desire. Many women suffer from vaginal dryness as a result of declining testosterone levels. Any of the following symptoms of low testosterone are possible:
- Loss of morning erections
- Slow or impaired arousal
- Lack of desire
- Weak, fewer, or inability to achieve erections
- Premature ejaculation
- Reduced semen production
- Infertility (men and women)
- Decreased orgasm intensity
- Testicular changes in size
- Physical Decline
Testosterone enters the cells of androgen receptors to stimulate their actions, functions that can range from maintaining bone mineral density to promoting red blood cell production. Here are the most common physical changes associated with low testosterone:
- Decreased bone density, resulting in height shrinkage, joint pains, or stiffness
- Muscle loss, leading to muscular weakness and less protection for the bones
- Increased weight gain caused by reduced metabolic functions
- Lack of energy due to insomnia and poor glucose uptake by the cells
- Insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels
- Increased breast tissue (gynecomastia) resulting from a higher estrogen to testosterone ratio in men
- Hair thinning or loss
- Anemia caused by a decline in red blood cell production – this issue also impacts circulation, erections, and heart health
- Hot flashes – yes, men get them, too
- Higher levels of total and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides
- Elevated blood pressure levels
- Mental and Emotional Decline
Androgen receptors are also abundant in the brain. When these cells do not receive testosterone, the following issues may occur:
- Changes in mood – increased stress, anxiety, irritability, and depression
- Social isolation
- Slow processing of information
- Reduced ability for memory recall
- Forgetfulness
- Decreased motivation and drive
- Trouble concentrating
- Lack of productivity and poor performance
- Insomnia and other sleep problems resulting from higher cortisol levels
Are the side effects of low testosterone in older males the same as in younger men?
Yes, these side effects of low free testosterone or low total testosterone are essentially the same at any age. What younger men need to realize is that treating Low T with testosterone replacement therapy will likely help all their issues – except one: FERTILITY! We bring this point up because a man who is contemplating conception with his partner needs to be aware that testosterone treatment can worsen his sperm count. It is crucial to discuss this fact with the treating physician as it will be necessary to prescribe a medication either in place of the testosterone or to supplement its use to stimulate testicular testosterone production.The side effects of low testosterone in men can adversely influence all areas of a man’s life.
Dangers of Leaving Low Testosterone Side Effects Untreated
Aside from the sheer fact that depression, reduced cognitive abilities, and physical decline can impact the quality of your life, it is essential to understand how ignoring these symptoms can further worsen your health.What are the side effects of low testosterone going to do if left untreated?
Ignoring and forgoing treatment for low testosterone only continues to worsen the decline. As a result, the risk of the following health issues increases:- Type 2 diabetes
- Obesity
- Metabolic syndrome
- High blood pressure
- Anemia
- Atherosclerosis
- Stroke
- Cardiovascular disease
- Heart attack
- Osteoporosis
- Dementia
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