How to Increase Testosterone

- Sleep
- Diet and nutrition
- Exercise
- Stress reduction
- Weight management
- Supplements
Learn how to increase testosterone through sleep and other positive lifestyle habits.
These Positive Changes Can Help Increase Testosterone
It is easier to use natural methods and lifestyle changes to increase testosterone at 40 than it is when you are in your 50s, 60s, or older. Of course, taking steps such as the ones below while you are still in your 20s and 30s is optimal. Since testosterone levels begin to decline when most people are in their mid to late-twenties, by the time they reach their mid-forties, twenty years of testosterone decline could lead to 20% to 40% less testosterone in their bloodstreams. To increase testosterone at 50 years of age, many people will find themselves turning to testosterone replacement therapy. There is nothing wrong with that. Supplemental testosterone is safe, affordable, and beneficial at increasing testosterone levels and improving overall well-being. Many people can even use testosterone therapy as a way to help augment the positive lifestyle changes below. Here are the best ways for how to increase testosterone naturally:- Sleep Lack of sleep increases the risk of numerous health issues, including weight gain, hormone deficiency, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, kidney disease, and stroke. Because low testosterone and sleep deprivation mutually influence one another, it is crucial to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. Getting adequate sleep will help increase testosterone and lower cortisol levels, as well as stimulate nocturnal metabolic activities to burn fat and influence weight loss.
- Diet and Nutrition What goes into your body significantly influences how your body performs and feels. Diets high in healthy fat and cholesterol help increase testosterone effects because testosterone is a steroid hormone. All steroid hormones derive from cholesterol. Protein is crucial because it builds muscle mass, which, along with exercise, increases testosterone levels. Heart-healthy carbohydrates will help fuel your workouts and provide the body with increased energy.Most of all, reduce or eliminate sugar, processed and packaged foods, and fried foods from your diet. These are all testosterone zappers.
- Exercise Two forms of exercise can help raise testosterone levels during the day. Although the increase is short-term, continued exercise can lead to long-term benefits as it can reduce insulin resistance and improve overall body composition. High-intensity interval training (HIIT): this involves engaging in a maximum of 30 minutes of aerobic or cardio exercise three times a week. Work out at a moderate pace for two minutes, then follow with a high-intensity burst for thirty seconds. Repeat the process for no more than 30 minutes. For men, longer bouts of aerobic activity can reduce rather than increase testosterone. When looking to increase testosterone in women, longer aerobic workouts do not have the same effect as with men. They can engage in longer aerobic sessions. HIIT works for females, as well. Resistance training: working out with exercises that utilize the body’s large muscle groups can help men and women increase testosterone through weight training. Moves such as lunges, squats, pullups, and rows are beneficial. Remember: overtraining is counterproductive, and you must allow for proper recovery time to reap these benefits. Do not work out the same muscle groups two days in a row.
- Stress Reduction
When a stressful situation occurs, it causes the body to release cortisol into the bloodstream. Individuals who have low testosterone levels tend to have higher amounts of cortisol in their blood. Elevated cortisol inhibits the body’s ability to fall asleep at night, leading to insomnia and reduced time for hormone production. That results in less sleep and lower testosterone levels.Testosterone therapy not only increases testosterone levels in the body, but it also reduces cortisol and improves sleep. Other ways to decrease stress and lower cortisol include:
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Reading
- Listening to music
- Deep breathing
- Exercise
- Walking
- Nature
- Laughing
- Weight Management
- Supplements
The following supplements can increase testosterone levels:
- Zinc: The body loses zinc through sweat. If you are low in testosterone, a zinc supplement may help increase testosterone levels.
- Vitamin D: Not only is vitamin D a vitamin, but it is also a hormone that your body produces from sun exposure. Many people with low testosterone can benefit from taking 3,000 IU of vitamin D a day.
- Magnesium: Testosterone deficiency is often an issue for people who have low levels of magnesium, which helps convert vitamin D to the active form that can benefit testosterone levels.
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