Testosterone Replacement Therapy Questions

Low T is a condition that can occur in both males and females and predominantly occurs at any point between the fourth and sixth decades of a person’s life. That is when the onset of this drop in testosterone production occurs. Unlike other types of hormonal deficiencies that typically occur around the same age for men and women, testosterone decline can begin around the age of 30 for men and nearer to menopause for women.
The testosterone replacement therapy questions that will be covered in this report will shed light on how this decline can affect a person, who can benefit from receiving treatment, how Low T is diagnosed, the safety of testosterone therapy, and how to go about changing your life by receiving treatment for Low T.
A diagnosis of low testosterone in the body cannot be provided until a few steps have been completed:
- A comprehensive blood analysis to verify hormone levels and rule out other possible reasons why there are adverse changes taking place in the body
- A physical examination to ensure that testosterone therapy is a viable option, as well as to rule out prior health concerns that could stand in the way of receiving this treatment
- A detailed medical history report outlining any past and current health issues
The first two testosterone therapy questions are presented below:
What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
TRT is a safe method of providing the body with supplemental testosterone in a form that can be readily assimilated into the body to fulfill the various functions that testosterone provides. This includes the areas of libido, sexual performance, bone and muscle growth, brain functions, heart health, and more. There are many methods of testosterone replacement, including the most commonly used:
- Testosterone cream for women
- Testosterone injections for men
- Testosterone patches for men and occasionally women
- Testosterone gel for men
Who Needs Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Any man or woman who is exhibiting the following signs should get tested for Low T:
- Loss of energy
- Muscle mass decline
- Height shrinkage or achy joints – signs of decreased bone density
- Weight gain – predominantly belly fat
- Hair loss
- Mental fatigue, confusion, or diminished performance
- Low libido
- Erectile dysfunction
- Vaginal dryness
- Hot flashes
- Diagnosis of any of the following conditions:
- Heart disease
- Anemia
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteopenia or osteoporosis
- Type 2 diabetes
- Sleep apnea
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
Important Questions about Testosterone Replacement Therapy
The following important testosterone replacement therapy questions focus on the safety aspects of receiving hormone replacement therapy. The replenishing of testosterone levels has been around for many decades. Current research is shedding quite a bit of light on how important it really is to maintain proper hormone levels, including testosterone, throughout life.
One hundred years ago it did not matter if a person’s testosterone levels were substantially depleted by age fifty because that was the average life expectancy. That is no longer the case today as most people can expect to reach the age of eighty, and many more heading past 100. That is why finding out the options for testosterone supplementation is essential.
Here are the next two testosterone questions that will address the subject of safe hormone replacement options:
Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Safe?
Thanks to years of results and many different research studies, we now know that TRT is not only safe to use, it is also extremely beneficial in preventing other health concerns. For example, there was a time when doctors were concerned that testosterone replacement would increase the risk of a man developing prostate cancer. We know now that the reverse is actually true. Testosterone therapy can help shrink the prostate and contribute to reducing the pressure on the urethra and bladder. There has been no correlation between TRT and increased risk of prostate cancer. Testosterone is also used to treat some forms of breast cancer.
It is extremely important to note here that testosterone usage is only considered safe if the treatment has been prescribed by a doctor following blood and physical examinations, as well as coming from licensed US pharmacies and not off of the internet’s black market for drugs.
Are There any Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
All medications carry some risk of side effects, even over-the-counter formulations, and herbal supplements. Following all prescribed guidelines is crucial for minimizing any risks.
The most common issues are:
- Irritation at the injection site
- Rash or irritation from topical testosterone
- Changes in libido
- Breast enlargement
- Acne or oily skin
- Deepening of the voice
- Sleep apnea
Again, these issues are most likely going to appear if the dosage of testosterone is higher than what the body requires. That is why working with an experienced doctor is vital.
Useful Information:
To get answers to any other questions about testosterone replacement therapy, or to schedule blood testing at a local lab, please contact the professionals at Kingsberg Medical for a free and confidential consultation today.