Top Rated Testosterone Brands for Treating Low T

When you go searching online for the top rated testosterone brands for the treatment of Low T, you often find yourself faced with websites that talk about over-the-counter supplements that provide energy and bulk up muscles. This will most likely occur if you are only searching for top rated testosterone without listing the words “brands” and “Low T” in your inquiry.
There are two primary types of treatment:
- Real testosterone supplements
- Homeopathic or supplemental boosters
If you have been diagnosed with Low T, you will need to turn to real testosterone supplements that are prescribed by a doctor. Although you can find these medications available for sale online – the sources are considered to be black market businesses that sell pharmaceuticals illegally without a prescription. This can result in the receipt of a product that could be dangerous to use.
It is widely recognized in the legitimate medical community that among the top rated testosterone products, brands such as Depo-Testosterone, Watson, Delatestryl, AndroGel, Testim, Vogelxo, Androderm, Testoderm, Axiron, and Fortesta are some of the best and most prescribed options.
Best Brands of Testosterone Replacement Products
When looking into the best brands of testosterone replacement products for the first time, the results can be overwhelming. Not only are there many different companies offering testosterone supplementation, but there are also many different application methods. This section will discuss the top 3 methods of treatment most often prescribed to men with Low T.
This goes further than discussing the top 10 best testosterone brands as listed in the previous section; it provides information as to why these may be your best options.
The top rated testosterone brands are:
- Injectables
- Testosterone cypionate is the first choice of doctors due to its longest lasting effects. Options include Depo-Testosterone, Watson, as well as generically compounded testosterone cypionate. Testosterone cypionate is well absorbed into the bloodstream.
- Testosterone Enanthate may be recommended, although it requires more frequent injections, and is available under the brand names of Watson and Delatestryl, along with pharmacy compounded options.
- Patches
Androderm and Testoderm are adhesive transdermal testosterone patches that are applied to the skin for 24 hours at a time. A new patch is used each day. There is no way of knowing how much testosterone is making its way from the patch through the skin and into the bloodstream. Although there are no injections and no mess, testosterone patches are extremely costly.
- Gels
AndroGel, Testim, and Vogelxo are topical testosterone gels that are applied to the shoulders and upper arms. Other brands include Axiron, which is applied to the underarm, and Fortesta, which is applied to the thighs. Testosterone gels are costly and have the highest rate of cross-contamination for others. In addition, as with patches, there is no way of knowing how much testosterone is being absorbed.
Choosing the Best Testosterone Product for Your Needs
The choice of which of the top rated testosterone products to buy is a personal decision that should be made in conjunction with your hormone replacement specialist. Part of the decision is going to be based on your body’s own needs, part on lifestyle habits, and part on final cost.
Here are some examples to consider when making the decision of which top rated testosterone product to buy:
- If you have young children at home, a testosterone gel may not be advisable as the risk of cross-contamination is greater with this type of product
- If you work outside, exercise, or are in the water a lot then a patch may not be a good idea as getting wet, and sweating could cause it to come loose and fall off
Hormone specialists typically prescribe testosterone cypionate injections to men with Low T. Not only is this the lowest priced option, it requires the fewest applications (once every 10 – 14 days for most men), and is available from a number of high-quality brands, as well as generically compounded to the same strict guidelines by specialized pharmacies.
Useful Information:
The professional experts at Kingsberg Medical can speak with you about your personal situation, and help you make the choice of testosterone product that is best suited to your needs. Please contact us for a free and confidential consultation.
Brian Leeber