Importance of Maintaining Proper Levels of Testosterone for Prostate Health

As a man ages, maintaining ideal prostate health becomes a primary concern. There are many reasons why this is so, including urinary performance and preventing prostate cancer. There is a vital connection between testosterone levels and prostate health that many men are not aware of, and the goal of this report is to enlighten men on how they can take action to improve prostate functions and their health in this area.
Maintaining proper levels of testosterone for prostate health is crucial, especially in later years when increased prostate size starts to interfere with urinary functions.
The prostate gland is responsible for filtering impurities and toxins out of semen. Men with low testosterone levels often have higher amounts of estrogen in their bodies offsetting the balance and increasing prostate growth. There is concern that estrogens can affect prostate health. Testosterone levels must be checked to ensure that this does not occur.
The Effects of Low T on Prostate Health
Low T is responsible for an increase in belly fat. This then leads to an increase in the enzyme aromatase that is produced in belly fat and converts testosterone into estrogen. Higher levels of estrogen in the body have been shown to increase prostate size. In this manner, prostate health and low testosterone are then interconnected. Here are the two biggest concerns that can arise:
- BPH – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
BPH is the most common issue and means enlarged prostate. This signifies the abnormal growth of noncancerous prostate cells. Nearly half of all men over the age of 60 in the US may be experiencing BPH. The effects of having an enlarged prostate include:
- Reduced urinary flow
- Increased need to urinate
- Difficulty initiating urinary stream
- Reduced force of urinary flow
- Urinary leakage
- Feeling as though the bladder was full even after urination
- Pain upon urinating
- Extreme urgency to urinate
- Urinary blockage requiring medical intervention
- Waking up at night to urinate
The larger the prostate grows, the more it pushes against the urethra and bladder, increasing the above-mentioned symptoms. Part of the reason BPH occurs is that the prostate gland converts testosterone into a hormone called dihydrotestosterone with the help of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. Although testosterone levels decline as men age, their DHT levels can remain high, causing an imbalance that can lead to prostate enlargement.
- Prostate Cancer
The National Cancer Institute lists prostate cancer as the second leading cause of death from cancer in men in the United States. Early symptoms of prostate cancer can be similar to those of BPH, requiring the need for testing as soon as they are noticed.
Since aging does typically lead to low testosterone, prostate health needs to be watched to ensure that no adverse symptoms of BPH or cancer appear.
Benefits of Testosterone Therapy for Prostate Health
Prostate cancer is an understandable fear for many men. In the past, doctors shied away from prescribing testosterone replacement therapy to men with Low T, who had previously undergone treatment for prostate cancer. In our research on testosterone therapy and prostate health, we have uncovered many studies that have shown the benefits of treatment with testosterone following prostate cancer.
Here are some of the findings:
- A small study of 7 men who received treatment for Low T with pharmaceutical testosterone after prostate cancer by Drs. James Graydon and Joel Kaufman turned up no recurrence of the prostate cancer.
- Dr. Michael Sarosdy reported on 31 men who had been treated with radioactive seeds (brachytherapy) for prostate cancer before receiving their testosterone replacement therapy. After an average follow-up time of five years, none of these men showed any sign of cancer recurrence.
- At Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 10 patients diagnosed with hypogonadism who were previously treated for prostate cancer were given testosterone therapy. After an average of 19 months, there were no reports of PSA recurrence, and significant Low T symptoms improvements were reported.
- 1 study that was published in the International Journal of Andrology in 2002 cited that out of 207 men with Low T who received testosterone therapy, 187 of them saw improvement in the following areas:
- PSA numbers decreased
- Prostate gland size was reduced
- Urinary symptoms improved
Checking the level of testosterone for prostate health is vital. Research into the connection between testosterone levels and prostate cancer has, at times, been contradictory, but with the fact that prostate cancer risk increases at the time of life when a man’s testosterone levels decline, some doctors believe that low levels of testosterone could lead to the development of prostate cancer.
In general, men who receive TRT for Low T typically find that their PSA numbers return to normal, their prostate shrinks back to its natural size, and urinary symptoms are reversed.
Where to Get Testosterone Treatment
Testosterone treatment is best prescribed by an expert in the field of hormone replacement therapy. These specialists have the knowledge needed to balance testosterone and prostate health for optimum well-being.
This is not an undertaking that anyone should try on his own without proper medical guidance and support. Blood analysis must be done to check testosterone, estrogen, and PSA levels before treatment can be prescribed.
When you correct the level of testosterone, prostate health can improve. The majority of men report a reduction in urinary problems following treatment for Low T. Kingsberg Medical is a national provider of testosterone replacement therapy for men. We also offer other hormone treatments for men and women, as well. Please contact us for a complimentary consultation.
Brian Leeber