When Does HGH Stop Producing?

The body is home to a plentiful supply of essential chemical messengers called hormones. Many of these substances fluctuate in their levels throughout our lives. As we age, some of these chemicals become subject to a slow or abrupt decline. Menopause often brings about relatively abrupt changes, but the natural aging process contributes to a slow but steady drop in the production of growth hormones by the pituitary gland.
When does HGH stop producing completely? It is extremely rare for the body to shut down all of its growth hormone production. This would most likely be a result of a brain tumor or brain injury. Damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland is often behind this type of situation. Another time the somatotropic cells in the anterior pituitary gland stop production is when a person is using HGH in abnormally high doses or when this treatment is not necessary in the first place. The body will shut down its production in an effort to protect itself from adverse reactions caused by an abundance of growth hormone. This is extremely dangerous, and could leave a person subject to a lifetime necessity for HGH shots.
The time that most people consider asking when does the human body stop producing HGH is when there are signs of GH deficiency. Fatigue, weight gain, joint pains, height shrinkage, loss of lean muscle, mental decline and impairment, low libido, poor sleep, decreased immunity, and other symptoms foretell a reduction in the secretion of growth hormone. This is what often occurs with age-related decline. Poor lifestyle choices can speed up this process.
How to Prevent HGH Production from Stopping
The good news is that steps can be taken to slow down the slow down. When you ask does HGH stop natural production on its own, only to find out that the decrease may be inevitable as everyone does experience a drop in secretion starting sometime after turning thirty, know that this does not have to mean adverse changes in your body.
You see, most people never even notice anything happening because the human body is designed to work with this slow descent by adjusting the way it responds. The problem occurs when that adjustment of sorts does not take place. This leaves a person open to the adverse effects and symptoms previously mentioned. HGH receptor cells need to receive an adequate supply of HGH to perform their functions.
There are ways you can slow down the decline and prevent HGH production from stopping the support it needs to provide to the body. Here are your best options for action:
- Sleep
Your body needs a minimum of 7 hours of quality sleep each night. Less than that will inhibit HGH production, as nearly half of the day’s secretion takes place during periods of deep, slow-wave sleep. Conversely, do not sleep for more than 9 hours each night as that can also be a hindrance. By the way, getting only 5 hours of shut-eye a night during the week and sleeping 12 hours on the weekend does not help. This needs to be a nightly ritual. One final side note on this subject – HGH therapy helps you get more sleep.
- Nutrition
Nutrition is an interesting topic as it applies to growth hormone secretion. First of all, junk food, saturated fat, sugar, chemicals, and preservatives affect the body in adverse ways. The food you eat needs to be of high quality and lean proteins. Intermittent fasting has a positive effect on HGH production. Do not consume sugar within the two hours after working out as that will counteract the positive HGH producing effect of high-intensity exercise. Also, do not consume carbohydrates within 90 minutes of going to sleep. Carbohydrates will disrupt your HGH secretion.
- Exercise
Following bouts of high-intensity exercise, the pituitary gland responds with a burst of HGH into the bloodstream. This does not require long exercise sessions. Getting up and engaging in short revved up forms of exercise will help throughout the day.
- Reduce Stress
When the body senses periods of stress, it responds by releasing the hormone cortisol into the bloodstream. Cortisol is antagonistic to HGH. As its levels go up, growth hormone’s levels decline further. Cortisol also helps stimulate the hunger hormone Ghrelin into action. This will cause a person to eat, which further slows down HGH secretion. Concentrate on deep breathing exercises, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and anything else that can help you reduce stress in your life.
To learn more about increasing your HGH levels, contact Kingsberg Medical for a free and confidential consultation with a hormone specialist.