Low Testosterone in Women

Low T is not just for men. There is such a thing as low testosterone in women, and the symptoms can affect nearly all areas of a female’s life. From fatigue to weight gain to loss of sexual desire, these changes can lead to depression, poor health, and serious medical concerns in the future.
When it comes to low testosterone, women often find that most doctors they talk to are unfamiliar with this condition. Testosterone is one of the essential hormones in the body that affects multiple functions, including metabolism, red blood cell production, cognitive performance, heart health, and even structural integrity. A doctor may run a blood test and diagnose anemia in a woman, but if he did not check her testosterone levels, he might have missed the cause.
Low testosterone levels in women can account for a higher incidence of osteoporosis, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and heart disease. People with any of these conditions should always be tested for testosterone and other hormonal deficiencies.
What causes low testosterone in women? It all starts in the ovaries. This is where testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone begin. Progesterone is the source hormone for these and other vital chemical messengers circulating in the bloodstream, and progesterone requires a healthy supply of the right types of cholesterol for its production. Not eating enough healthy cholesterol is one of the causes of low testosterone in women. The next is a condition called estrogen dominance that occurs when increased belly fat produces a higher amount of aromatase – an enzyme that converts testosterone into estradiol – a usable form of estrogen. As estrogen levels increase, they provide a stimulus for the conversion of food into belly fat. A person will gain weight and repeat this entire process, lowering testosterone and raising estrogen levels. Finally, menopause is the time when the ovaries shut down hormone production, and since belly fat takes over with estrogen, this entire situation worsens.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Women
Diagnosing Low T begins with taking a look at the actual symptoms of low testosterone in women. Contacting a hormone replacement therapy specialist at this time is the best option. All too often we hear about females who receive estrogen therapy during menopause for the treatment of hot flashes, weight gain, memory loss, mood swings, and night sweats. Although this is the standard treatment for menopause, it is not always the right option, as it can worsen estrogen dominance.
Blood analysis is crucial at this time. The HRT specialist runs many blood panels that will provide a complete view of what is going on inside the body. Knowing precisely which hormone(s) deficiencies are present helps to provide the proper treatment.
The following low testosterone symptoms in women may not all be present at one time, but if at least a few are, testing should begin now:
- Difficulty falling or staying asleep
- Sleep apnea
- Weight gain
- Poor metabolic function
- Lack of energy
- Low endurance
- Decreased sex drive
- Vaginal dryness
- Painful or unpleasant intercourse
- Memory loss
- Mental fog
- Trouble concentrating
- Difficulty with mental calculations and cognitive skills
- Reduced motivation and drive
- Lack of productivity
- Loss of muscle tone and muscular strength
- Decreased bone density
- Joint pains and physical stiffness
- High cholesterol
- Thinning or loss of hair on head
- Increased body or facial hair growth
- Depression
- Changes in mood
- Anxiety
- Social isolation
- Anemia
- High cholesterol and triglyceride levels
These signs of low testosterone in women can hinder workplace performance, home life, relationships with family and friends, and even get in the way of enjoyable pastimes and hobbies.
The first thing the hormone specialist will look at is the list of low testosterone in women symptoms that the client will provide. This gives a general overview of the current state of well-being. The next step is blood analysis and physical examination to rule out other health issues and diagnose Low T.
Low Testosterone Treatment for Women
Once a diagnosis is made, the next step is the determination of how to treat low testosterone in women. If the only issue is a decline in testosterone levels, then the best option is supplemental testosterone replacement therapy. When other problems are present, such as growth hormone deficiency or low progesterone levels, a combination approach to treatment may be necessary.
Every person will receive her own customized low testosterone treatment for women protocol. This will include suggestions for lifestyle changes such as foods to eat and exercises that will be beneficial, along with a prescription for custom compounded testosterone cream. The prescription is filled and sent from a pharmacy in the US that prepares compounded testosterone cream.
Women with low testosterone typically see incredible results within a short time after beginning this treatment. To speak with a hormone replacement therapy specialist about your personal situation, or to request additional information or blood testing, please contact Kingsberg Medical for a complimentary, confidential consultation.
Brian Leeber