Low Testosterone Supplements for Men and Women

Low T may be a very real diagnosis in your life. It does not differentiate between men and women, and it can lead to other serious health issues. That is why understanding the difference between low testosterone supplements has never been more important. This condition is affecting more adults now than even before – in part because the population of aging men and women is greater than at any other time in our history, in part because our lifestyles have changed so much from those of past generations, and in part because we can now diagnose Low T easier than in the past.
We are going to answer some frequently asked questions about low testosterone supplements in this report, starting with the following:
- My doctor says I need to be on low testosterone supplements. Do they work quickly and are they safe to use for a long time?
Let us start by addressing the first part of what was mentioned – the need. Once a doctor specializing in hormone replacement therapy runs the proper diagnostic blood tests and determines that Low T is the cause of any symptoms, it is nearly impossible to raise testosterone levels enough by other means. Doctor prescribed testosterone replacement supplements will do the job relatively quickly. We say relatively because everything is – relative. The symptoms of low testosterone did not occur overnight – they have been a long time in the making. Some of the results will appear during the first month, others will take a few months longer to be noticeable. Testosterone replacement is safe for extended use, but you must follow the protocol as prescribed by the specialist.
Best Low Testosterone Supplements for Men
Men have a variety of options when it comes to treating Low T. They can choose between injections, patches, gels, implantable pellets, and oral tablets that adhere to their gums. Clearly, the best choice for each person will be the one that not only produces the top results but does so in an affordable way that will not interfere with his lifestyle.
Here is a common question about Low T supplements for men:
- What are the differences regarding side effects from the different male low testosterone supplements that I can buy to treat my Low T?
In general, all forms of testosterone therapy carry the same risk factors, although supplemental testosterone is generally safe to use when properly prescribed. The differences in reactions are as follows:
- Testosterone injections (cypionate and enanthate) – injection site redness, irritation, itching, pain, swelling (typically goes away quickly)
- Testosterone patches – irritation to skin at application site, rash, risk of falling off (if in bed, could pose cross-contamination risk to partner), unable to predict how much testosterone will enter bloodstream through the skin
- Testosterone gels – require a larger application area, takes a while to dry before you can go into water, highest level of cross-contamination potential, and also has no way of knowing how much testosterone is absorbed
- Testosterone pellets – requires surgical implantation, may work their way out of the skin, difficult to remove if there is a problem
- Transbuccal testosterone – tablet adheres to gums and could cause irritation, pain, and bitter taste, may be accidently swallowed and could then cause liver concerns
If your doctor has diagnosed low testosterone, and supplements are prescribed, you may find that testosterone cypionate injections provide the lowest cost, least risk of adverse reactions, and, since they are typically administered only once every two weeks – the least impact on your lifestyle.
Best Supplements for Low Testosterone in Women
Although the level of testosterone in the female body is much lower than in males, testosterone is equally as important. In fact, a woman dealing with Low T will often have more severe symptoms because she is extremely sensitive to the change in testosterone production. Unfortunately, many doctors overlook low testosterone during menopause and go straight to estrogen replacement. This can be detrimental because many women dealing with Low T have a condition called estrogen dominance where estrogen levels are higher than testosterone and progesterone, and treating menopause with supplemental estrogen can exacerbate the situation. Many men with Low T also have estrogen dominance.
This leads to our next question:
- What are the best low testosterone supplements for women?
Because females have a much lower level of testosterone than males, to begin with, they do not require the same higher dose treatment options. Hormone specialists typically provide women with a lower dose, custom compounded cream. Unlike most estrogen creams that require application to a large area, testosterone cream is rubbed into a small spot of the body. Many women have stated that the effects are life-changing.
If you are wondering how do low testosterone supplements work, they provide an additional supply of testosterone to the body to carry out all of the functions associated with this hormone, including muscle and bone strengthening, metabolism boosting, enhancing brain functions, improving heart health, and even stimulating red blood cell production.
For additional information about low testosterone supplements for men and women, please contact Kingsberg Medical for a free and confidential consultation.
Brian Leeber