Testosterone Therapy and Diabetes

Testosterone replacement offers impressive benefits for people with diabetes. That is what researchers have concluded based on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
For anyone with Low T who has considered the use of testosterone therapy and diabetes concerns, this study’s findings are excellent news.
In the report from University at Buffalo researchers of a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, it was found that low testosterone levels were linked to a significantly decreased insulin sensitivity. The men in the study who received testosterone therapy saw a total body fat reduction of more than six pounds over 24 weeks with a compatible increase in muscle mass. The additional benefit for the men using testosterone therapy and type 2 diabetes was a 32 percent increase in glucose uptake by the body’s tissues in response to insulin.
These are not the only results the researchers have published about Low T, testosterone therapy, diabetes type 2, and obesity in males.
In 2012, Paresh Dandona, MD, Ph.D., also published information showing that obese teen boys had fifty percent less testosterone than their leaner peers. Another published paper reported that two-thirds of men with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease have low testosterone. Of those on dialysis, ninety percent were diagnosed with Low T.
Additional research from Tulane University showed that men with lower testosterone levels were more likely to develop diabetes. This study found that testosterone helped to regulate blood glucose levels by triggering chemicals in pancreatic cells that produce insulin.
Type 1 diabetes is often diagnosed much earlier in life, but low testosterone is also at an increased risk for these patients. The use of testosterone therapy and type 1 diabetes benefits has been researched, but not yet to the extent of those with type 2 diabetes.
Managing Low Testosterone and Diabetes
It is crucial to manage low testosterone levels when diabetes in any form is present. Because low testosterone decrease is associated with a decline in both luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, this can lead to a skyrocketing effect as multiple hormone levels become involved. Low testosterone often equates to higher than normal estrogen levels which increase belly fat and further impact diabetes.
Another reason to seek out the help of testosterone therapy for diabetes is the preservation of one’s love life. Diabetes can block nerves and blood vessels to the penis, resulting in erectile dysfunction in men. Many males over 45 who suffer from low testosterone and diabetes report trouble with sexual desire, arousal, performance, and the ability to achieve a pleasurable orgasm.
Emotional distress, mood changes, and depression are often reported, as well as a general isolating of oneself from social scenarios.
The best form of action is to attack the situation on all fronts. That means utilizing testosterone replacement therapy and diabetes treatments together for the benefit of the body.
Lifestyle changes such as weight loss, exercise, nutritional alterations, and getting enough sleep are important aspects of healing the body. Reducing stress is another factor that must be taken into consideration.
Men have many tools at their disposal for raising low testosterone levels, including:
- Testosterone injections
- Testosterone skin patches
- Testosterone gels
- Transbuccal adhesive testosterone for the gums
- Implantable testosterone pellets
Women may use testosterone cream compounded by the pharmacy to their precise dosage needs.
Oral preparations of testosterone replacement therapy are not recommended due to the higher risk of liver toxicity.
The hormone specialists at Kingsberg Medical provide complimentary consultations to men and women who want to know more about how testosterone or other hormone replacement treatments can benefit their lives. Contact us for your confidential consultation today.