Common and Unexpected Testosterone Deficiency Signs and Symptoms

Low libido and loss of lean muscle mass are two of the most common testosterone deficiency signs and symptoms in both males and females. In fact, those two issues lead the reasons why many middle-aged and older men contact their doctors for help.
What many people do not realize is that these problems are just the tip of the iceberg. There are still many other common signs of symptomatic testosterone deficiency, as well as a few unexpected aspects of this condition often called Low T.
Why should you be aware of changes in your testosterone levels?
Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the body. It is more than just the “male sex hormone.” Testosterone plays a vital role in protecting your bones and muscles from deterioration, impacts how well your metabolism processes the food you eat, promotes the formation of red blood cells, and even stimulates your brain functions.
Some of the most common symptoms of testosterone deficiency include:
- Gaining weight – especially in your abdominal region
- Losing interest in sex
- Mental fog or lack of focus
- Reduced lean muscle mass
- Lack of energy and stamina
Here are some of the unexpected symptoms of testosterone deficiency that you might not know:
- Brittle, thinning bones – increased risk of osteoporosis
- Hot flashes and night sweats – men can get these, too
- Back pain
- Infertility
- Loss of motivation, drive, and ambition
- Changes in mood – depression
- Anemia
- Thinning or balding hair – women, included
- Changes in blood sugar
Understanding the Signs and Symptoms of Male Testosterone Deficiency
Low T is not just locker room talk anymore. Men are discussing this with their colleagues at work, on the golf course, and even with their neighbors.
Why does it seem as though everyone is talking about low testosterone these days?
First of all, when you understand the symptoms of testosterone deficiency in males, you realize that this condition is extremely common in older men.
Testosterone levels typically begin a slow decline around the age of thirty, continuing at a rate of one to two percent a year. Those men who keep active, get plenty of sleep, and consume a healthy diet often see the slowest drop in testosterone levels. Individuals who are sedentary, get less than seven hours of sleep a night, have much stress, and eat a lot of junk food, sugar, or processed and greasy meals often have the biggest decline in testosterone production.
Some health conditions, medication, and treatments can also impact testosterone production.
The following signs and symptoms of testosterone deficiency in men illustrate why getting your T levels checked is crucial as you age:
- High cholesterol levels
- High blood pressure
- Difficulty concentrating
- Forgetfulness
- Trouble sleeping, insomnia
- Sleep apnea
- Erectile dysfunction – not always associated with Low T
- Lack of sexual desire
- Decreased orgasm intensity
- Problems with mental calculations and cognitive processes
- Joint pains and body stiffness
- Fragile bones
- Reduced muscle mass – workouts no longer produce desired effects
- Increased belly fat
- Depression, anxiety, irritation, agitation
- Social withdrawal
- Diabetes
- Fatigue
- Hair loss
If you notice at least a few of these testosterone deficiency signs and symptoms and there are no other reasons that you can think of for these changes, please contact Kingsberg Medical to discuss the possibility of Low T being the reason.
Recognizing the Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency in Women
Although testosterone is a male sex hormone, it is just as important in a woman’s body for optimum health and vitality.
As a sex hormone, testosterone impacts the female libido, stimulating the following responses:
- Sex drive
- Arousal
- Vaginal lubrication
- Orgasm intensity or lack thereof
- Sexual fantasies
- Erotic dreams
The symptoms of testosterone deficiency in females are essentially the same as the ones you read about in the previous sections, erectile dysfunction aside. Fatigue is one of the biggest complaints women dealing with Low T often have. They feel drained, too tired to make it through the day, and often depressed about not “being there” for their loved ones. Restless or lack of sleep only makes the situation worse.
Other symptoms of testosterone hormone deficiency in women that have a significant impact are hair loss and weight gain. These issues begin to take a toll on self-image and mood, adding to the depressed feelings that often accompany Low T.
Bone deterioration and muscle loss are two of the most significant testosterone deficiency signs and symptoms because they can lead to fractured bones in later years. Osteoporosis can rob a person of her or his independence.
The telltale symptoms of menopause such as night sweats and hot flashes often signal a decline in testosterone levels. Irregular periods, heavy blood flow, and anemia are other issues that suggest the need for blood hormone analysis.
The good news for women and men dealing with Low T is that it is easily and safely treatable with prescription testosterone replacement therapy.
Kingsberg Medical offers convenient local lab testing, private phone consultations, and affordable treatment options to adults throughout the US. Contact us for your free consultation with a hormone specialist today.
Brian Leeber