The Reasons Low Testosterone Can Make You Tired

The alarm clock goes off and yet you can barely pull yourself out of bed because low testosterone levels have once again kept you from getting a good night’s sleep. The circles under your eyes are getting darker. Your productivity level at work is waning, and you find yourself feeling grumpy, moody, and depressed more often than not.
It is a fact – low testosterone can make you tired.
The first question is why is this happening? The second is what can you do about it?
The answers may surprise you, but what we really want to do here at Kingsberg Medical is enlighten you so that you can take the proper action in your life to restore energy and vitality.
Why can low testosterone make you tired?
The body has many different hormones, each with its own functions. While many of these vital chemical messengers do play a role in providing the body with energy through proper metabolic responses, testosterone is one of the leading players in this process.
When testosterone levels decline, red blood cell production and fat metabolism also decrease. Reduced red blood cells lead to anemia – a leading cause of fatigue. If the body cannot properly metabolize the fat (along with protein and carbohydrates) that is consumed, the food that you eat will wind up as stored fat rather than utilized for fuel. Together, both of these issues reduce stamina and leave you feeling tired.
How can low testosterone make you feel tired if you are going to sleep at a decent hour?
Testosterone is often overlooked as a cause for insomnia and other sleep disturbances. In fact, sleep apnea is more common in people with Low T due to weight gain increasing the severity of sleep apnea. Testosterone levels rise while you sleep (production occurs) and decline while you are awake. If you are not getting enough REM sleep, testosterone secretion that occurs during this period will decrease. Since growth hormone production also occurs during this stage of deep sleep, and is the other contributing hormone to energy levels, you may experience a double effect of hormone deficient fatigue.
Undiagnosed sleep issues such as obstructive sleep apnea can lead to cardiovascular problems, declining sexual health, and depression.
Hormones and Fatigue – Why Testosterone is Important
Fatigue is dangerous to more than the person who feels tired. When we explore the many reasons that low testosterone can make you tired, we find that this lack of energy takes a toll on mental and physical performance.
Hormonal imbalance can lead to fatigue – a major cause of automobile accidents. Falling asleep at the wheel of a car is a danger to everyone else on the road.
At work, many people have jobs that require a great deal of physical activity. Exhaustion and lack of energy can lead to workplace accidents that can put other lives in jeopardy.
Proper levels of testosterone in the bloodstream can increase energy levels and reduce these risks.
Can low testosterone levels make you tired if all of your other hormones that contribute to energy are normal?
It is rare to find a person with low testosterone who does not also have an imbalance in some other hormone. You see, when testosterone levels decline, the body has to make up for it somewhere else by increasing other hormones. You will feel stressed and an increase in cortisol production will occur. This leads to lower growth hormone levels and a surge of ghrelin that will cause you to overeat to get more fuel in the body. That will result in weight gain that further interferes with sleep and lowers testosterone levels even more by increasing testosterone conversion into estrogen due to an enzyme that is found in belly fat.
End Fatigue and Increase Energy with Testosterone Therapy
Do not let low testosterone make you tired. The result will be poor sleep, weight gain, higher estrogen and cortisol levels, and decreased productivity and responsiveness in all areas of your life.
Testosterone therapy prescribed by a hormone specialist is the answer for women and men dealing with the effects of Low T. Energy levels are one of the first positive changes that people notice when they begin treatment with supplemental testosterone. Better sleep follows close behind.
Additionally, weight loss and increased muscle mass help restore not only a well-toned physique, but also reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. Increased red blood cell production provides the body with more energy.
Yes, low testosterone can make you tired, but testosterone therapy can restore vitality, stamina, and energy to your life.
Contact Kingsberg Medical today for a free consultation with a clinical advisor to discuss how hormone replacement therapy can help you.
Brian Leeber