Category: HGH - Page 2
Is HGH a Steroid

It is easy to understand why some people might wonder is HGH a steroid because it has anabolic tendencies, especially when it comes to building muscle mass and strong bones. People, especially men, often turn to steroids for physical enhancement, bodybuilding, or athletic improvement. Of course, the use of steroids in the world of sports [...]
Read moreHGH Releasers

HGH releasers claim to boost your libido, build up your muscles, help you lose weight, improve brain functions, and even make you look up to ten years or more younger by tightening your skin. What are HGH releasers and do they work? HGH releasers come in many forms: Homeopathic drops Homeopathic sprays Pills and capsules [...]
Read moreHGH and Cancer Treatment

The problem is two-fold – first comes cancer, and then there is the potential for growth hormone deficiency. Treatment with radiation and chemotherapy can alter and decrease hormone production, leaving a person with many symptoms that can impact daily life. For that reason, the use of HGH and cancer treatment follow-up is often discussed. HGH [...]
Read moreWhat Are the Risks of Growth Hormone Therapy

When prescribed by a hormone replacement therapy specialist for the treatment of adult growth hormone deficiency, HGH is an extremely safe medication. That does not mean that there is no potential for side effects – every medication has them. What are the possible HGH risks that could occur? Issues such as high cholesterol, type 2 [...]
Read moreHGH Benefits for Weight Loss

Human growth hormone decline may be the reason why people tend to gain weight as they age. The more we learn about the benefits of HGH for weight loss, the better able we are to help people get rid of those excess stubborn pounds and support the body’s proper metabolic functions. Contents HGH Benefits for [...]
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