HGH Therapy for HIV Patients

The use of HGH therapy for HIV patients has shown significant promise since 1996 when it was first approved for treatment. For individuals with HIV, the body is under attack from within, weakening immunity and increasing susceptibility to other diseases and infections. Growth hormone plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy immune system, most importantly targeting the thymus gland, which provides crucial T-cells that fight infection.
Turning to HGH for HIV is not always the answer. Every person who has HIV may not require human growth hormone therapy. That will be determined by blood analysis that measures insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels in the bloodstream.
One of the primary areas of research for HGH and HIV patients is immune responses. The thymus, which produces vital T-cells, decreases in size with age, until it is nothing more than a tiny area of tissue. One benefit of HGH for HIV patients is the ability of increased growth hormone and IGF-1 levels to stimulate the cellular regeneration of the thymus, allowing it to produce more naïve T-cells to increase the amount of CD4 infection-fighting cells.
A crucial aspect of HGH – HIV treatment is how growth hormone works not only on the immune system, but also on the metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and glucose uptake. Elevated blood sugar, LDL and total cholesterol, and triglyceride levels are frequently associated with the AIDS virus. Those issues can also increase fatty deposits in the abdomen, increasing cardiovascular risk, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart attacks.
For patients with HIV/AIDS, quality of life becomes a significant issue that can benefit from combined HGH and HIV treatment. Improved sleep, energy, and emotional state are positive aspects of HGH therapy.
The use of HGH therapy for HIV patients can significantly improve health and quality of life for some people.
What Is HIV and How Does It Impact Growth Hormone Levels?
As we explore the topic of HGH therapy for HIV patients, let us first clarify the difference between AIDS and HIV. HGH has individual benefits in both diseases.
What is HIV?
HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, a condition that cannot go away – there is no cure. With proper treatment, it is possible to prevent or slow the progression into AIDS, which we will discuss next.
HIV attacks the body’s CD4 immune-fighting cells. Without enough of these cells to hold off invaders, the body becomes susceptible to cancer formation and serious infections. The ensuing weakening of the body is what increases the likelihood of AIDS onset.
Some HIV facts:
- Many people do not know they have HIV
- Asymptomatic HIV can still spread to others by men and women
- HIV has no cure
- More than 35,000 people receive a diagnosis of HIV each year
- HIV does not mean you have AIDS; medications can reduce the progression risk
- Any bodily fluid can transmit HIV
- A positive HIV test result may not show for up to six months
What is AIDS?
AIDS is the abbreviation for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, the most severe phase that develops from HIV. By the time a person develops AIDS, he or she has an extremely weakened immune system.
Some AIDS facts:
- AIDS occurs when a person’s CD4 cell count falls below 200 per cubic ml of blood
- Signs of AIDS progression include:
- Swollen glands (neck, groin, underarms)
- Weight loss
- Night sweats
- Persistent fever
- Fatigue
- Feeling ill
- AIDS increases the risk of opportunistic infections, including:
- Breathing difficulty, which can signal the spreading of the infection to the lungs
- Chronic diarrhea
- Malnutrition
- Kaposi’s sarcoma – tumor of the skin
- Dementia
- Fungal infections
- Headaches due to tumors of the spinal cord or brain (mental and emotional changes possible)
Patients diagnosed with AIDS require immediate treatment. The absence of treatment can result in a shortened (three year) prognosis.
HGH Benefits for HIV-Related Weight and Muscle Loss
In a study of HIV+ individuals with and without AIDS (both with and without weight loss), it was noted that myofibrillar protein degradation was higher in people with AIDS than those with HIV+ or healthy individuals. Other areas of decline included muscle function and protein synthesis.
Loss of weight and muscle mass weakens the body, increasing the risk of fractures while reducing the quality of life. With HGH treatment for HIV and AIDS, individuals suffering from profound weight loss and muscle wasting experienced significant benefits from treatment.
- Weight Two weeks of treatment with recombinant HGH significantly increased body weight in all groups. IGF-1 levels also increased, which provided benefits for cellular regeneration.
- Muscle Recombinant HGH therapy increased protein synthesis in all but the AIDS plus weight loss group. Age and gender did not alter the results. Following treatment, improvements in knee extension exercises were noted in all groups.
There are definite benefits of HGH therapy for HIV patients, both with and without AIDS. The ability to increase exercise can help strengthen the body overall.
Best HGH for HIV Patients
The best HGH therapy for HIV patients is Serostim, a medication for EMD Serono prescribed solely for this purpose. Serostim works for patients with HIV-associated cachexia or wasting to help improve lean body mass and decrease fat mass.
Studies have shown that treatment with Serostim increases protein-sparing lipid oxidation and improved nitrogen balance. Patients also experience improved physical function, as demonstrated by treadmill exercise testing. All individuals receiving Serostim must remain on antiretroviral therapy.
For more information, please contact Kingsberg Medical for a free phone consultation.