Is HGH a Steroid?

It is easy to understand why some people might wonder is HGH a steroid because it has anabolic tendencies, especially when it comes to building muscle mass and strong bones.
People, especially men, often turn to steroids for physical enhancement, bodybuilding, or athletic improvement. Of course, the use of steroids in the world of sports is illegal, as is purchasing any of these medications without a doctor’s prescription.
Is HGH considered a steroid when the purpose is to enhance the body in some way?
No matter what the reason for using HGH, it is not a steroid. Human growth hormone is a polypeptide protein produced by the anterior pituitary gland. In its biologically derived form, it is identical in structure to the natural HGH secreted by the somatotropic cells.
HGH controls or supports many functions, including:
- Metabolism
- Cellular regeneration
- Support of the internal organs
- Immunity
- Tissue repair
- Brain functions
- Temperature regulation
When asked is growth hormones a steroid because it does enhance muscle size, we turn to its role in cell reproduction for muscle mass maintenance rather than boosting properties. HGH will not build large muscles. It only helps increase muscle size when the body is deficient in HGH. People who develop larger muscles when using human growth hormones do so because they often combine it with some form of anabolic steroids.
Difference between HGH and Steroids
As we examine the difference between HGH and steroids, the first thing to do is separate anabolic steroids from corticosteroids. The first are performance enhancing drugs (anabolic) whereas corticosteroids are anti-inflammatories.
HGH is not steroids. It is not an addictive drug in the way some steroids are. It does not create the wild mood swings and aggression that comes with steroid abuse, nor will it produce withdrawal symptoms if stopped immediately. HGH will not deepen a woman’s voice or grow facial hair.
Steroids are synthetic variations of the hormone testosterone. The word steroid is associated with the illegal use of supplemental testosterone – a medication used by hormone replacement therapy specialists for the sole purpose of combatting the symptoms of Low T in men and women.
HGH production takes place in the pituitary gland while testosterone comes from the testes and the ovaries – along with a small portion from the adrenal glands.
A continued look at why is HGH not a steroid is also in the form of potential side effects. Risk factors for HGH abuse are not as severe as with steroid abuse, although both medications should only be used when necessary and as prescribed by an experienced hormone specialist.
Another aspect of the HGH vs. steroids difference is the mechanism of how they work. Steroids will deliver the larger, more defined muscles by entering the cell and binding with the receptor to stimulate protein synthesis. HGH binds to receptors on the cell’s surface to initiate change – although, in the case of muscle growth, the results will not be as dramatic.
Some athletes turn to steroids to make them bigger and stronger, but they use HGH to improve their coordination and eyesight. In either case, the use is illegal and can result in serious side effects, including the body shutting down its own hormone production if it senses too much in the bloodstream. Remember, too much of anything – no matter how good – can turn bad.
To learn more about the safe and legal use of HGH or testosterone for hormone replacement, please contact the specialists at Kingsberg Medical for a complimentary consultation at no charge.
Brian Leeber