Vitamins for Low Testosterone – The Natural Approach to Treatment

Unless a person is suffering from numerous symptoms of Low T and severely low testosterone levels, vitamins and other supplements may help increase testosterone production. As with any dietary change, vitamins included, it is recommended that you speak with a doctor before taking any new supplements. There could be medication interactions, or if your body has enough of that vitamin, unwanted side effects.
Taking vitamins for low testosterone is a natural approach to treatment. It helps most at the early stages of testosterone decline. Different vitamins assist in a variety of ways, making the expertise of a specialist invaluable at this time.
The use of vitamins and minerals for low testosterone can work equally well for women as for men. Of course, a woman does not need a supplement that will increase erections, but one that will help with vaginal lubrication will most likely be welcome.
One of the reasons vitamins are so important is the current Standard American Diet, or SAD, for short. The SAD diet certainly is sad in many respects. It is void of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy cholesterol and full of processed and chemical laden foods. That is why supplemental vitamins are often helpful.
What Vitamins Help Improve Low Testosterone?
When discussing vitamins for low testosterone levels, the most recognized choice is vitamin D. Many people, especially those living up north, are deficient in vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D in the body have been associated with reduced fertility rates, increased weight, estrogen dominance (higher than normal estrogen levels as compared to testosterone), depression, and a greater risk for cardiovascular disease.
Next up on the list of the best vitamins for low testosterone is zinc. People who are deficient in zinc may become sick more frequently, are at a higher risk of breast and other cancers, prostate growth, and reduced fertility rates. Zinc and calcium do not go well together as zinc can hinder calcium absorption, so check your labels to avoid consuming them at the same time.
Magnesium helps with the calcium absorption of vitamin D, decreases inflammation, promotes sleep that enables the body to secrete higher levels of testosterone, and improves antioxidant capacity.
Two B vitamins have a direct impact on testosterone production. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) suppresses the way estrogen is synthesized in the body. It maintains normal blood glucose levels, helps form the hemoglobin that brings oxygenated red blood cells throughout the body, and produces antibodies that fight infections. The use of Cobalamin – vitamin B 12 – for low testosterone can raise testosterone levels and exert a positive action of sperm mobility and concentration. B12 also helps process fats and carbohydrates, and aids in the production of red blood cells, DNA, and hormones.
Little research has been done on other B vitamins, but here is additional information that may help improve low testosterone levels:
- B1 (Thiamine) – affects the neurological system and may hinder testosterone uptake in the body when deficient
- B2 (Riboflavin) – inhibits the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which can limit free testosterone levels in the body
- B3 (Niacin) – helps boost the production of HDL cholesterol that is needed for testosterone production) and aids in growth hormone secretion, as well
- B5 (Pantothenic acid) – assists with cholesterol production as well as supporting the adrenal system in the secretion of sex hormones
- B7 (Biotin) – helps regulate glucose usage – lowering the risk of obesity which aids in decreasing testosterone levels
What to Do When Vitamins Do Not Help Low Testosterone
There are times when all of the vitamins, herbs, and mineral supplements in the world cannot help increase testosterone levels. That is when other steps are necessary to improve testosterone production. If taking vitamins and herbs for low testosterone does not help, or if you are already dealing with many of the symptoms of Low T, it may be time for testosterone replacement therapy.
A hormone specialist will run the necessary blood tests that will provide the answers about hormone deficiency in your body. A variety of levels are checked during this test to get the most accurate answer. This results in a customized treatment plan designed to raise testosterone levels safely and reverse unwanted symptoms.
For additional information about low testosterone and other types of hormonal deficiency or imbalance, contact Kingsberg Medical for a consultation that is completely private and provided at no charge or obligation.
Brian Leeber