Saizen Side Effects for Adults
Saizen is a brand of human growth hormones used to treat GH deficiency in adults and children. This medication is safe to use when prescribed by an experienced doctor – a hormone replacement therapy specialist in adults. We will discuss how to minimize the risk of undesirable Saizen side effects in the last section of this report.
When it comes to Saizen side effects, adults tend to fall into one of three groups:
- Those who get a prescription from a doctor but increase the dosage on their own with the hope of speeding up the results
- Those who have the symptoms of adult growth hormone deficiency but self-diagnose without a doctor’s help and purchase their medications illegally
- Those who do not need Saizen HGH therapy but use it for bodybuilding purposes or athletic enhancement
These are the most likely reasons why an adult will notice adverse Saizen somatropin side effects. There are times when even someone who follows the doctor’s prescription may see some changes. This is due to the body adjusting to an increase in growth hormone levels in the bloodstream. Any new symptoms will most likely disappear without the need for any action within a few weeks. If this does not occur, or if the side effects of Saizen growth hormone bring any concern, contact the prescribing physician immediately for dosage lowering. This is typically all it takes to reverse these changes, and then the treatment can be gradually increased to avoid these problems from reoccurring.
Here is the list of potential Saizen growth hormone side effects:
- Joint or muscle stiffness or pain
- Swelling in the lower extremities
- Trouble sleeping
- Headache
- Mild nausea
- Fever
- Injection site redness, irritation, itching, swelling, or numbness
- Increased hunger or thirst
- Rapid heartbeat
- Changes in vision
- Fainting or dizziness
- Blood sugar imbalance
- Rapid breathing
The following Saizen long-term side effects could occur if a person continues to administer too much HGH without a doctor’s supervision:
- High cholesterol
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Atherosclerosis
- Diabetes
- Acromegaly
Please know that the overall risk of Saizen HGH side effects is extremely small when a person works with a knowledgeable hormone specialist to balance growth hormone levels in the body. HGH therapy is a prescribed medical treatment used to fulfill a particular need for optimal health and well-being in adults.
How to Minimize the Risk of Saizen Side Effects
Minimizing any potential growth hormone Saizen side effects begins with you. That is right – you hold the power in your hands. If you decide to resort to illegal ways of obtaining HGH injections, you open yourself up to an increased risk of adverse reactions. This even goes well beyond just administering the wrong dosage of human growth hormones. Buying HGH illegally without a prescription involves black market websites typically located in foreign countries. These operations are not subject to the same rules and regulations as licensed pharmacies in the US. They often sell products that do not meet proper pharmaceutical standards – many of which have been manufactured in questionable facilities and with toxic ingredients.
If it seems foolish to think that people would endanger their health in this manner, you are 100% right. This is foolish, but yet seemingly smart people do it every day – and some do pay the price with their health. They either want to buy HGH for the illegal reasons already discussed, or they think that they can save time and money by skipping the doctor and self-diagnosing this condition. That is what often leads to Saizen 3.33 mg side effects when a person does not get a valid prescription from an experienced HRT specialist.
The next reason of saving time and money is also a fallacy. It is just as easy and inexpensive to avoid Saizen 8.8 side effects while still working with a hormone specialist in the US. You will not even have to take time out for office visits when you turn to a hormone replacement clinic such as Kingsberg Medical. We are a national HRT center for women and men over the age of thirty who want to protect themselves from the dangers of hormone deficiency without disrupting their lives.
To avoid the unwanted side effects of Saizen HGH injections, contact us for a confidential, no-cost consultation today. We simplify your life while providing you with superior service and affordable prices for hormone replacement therapies.
Brian Leeber