Testosterone Injections Brands for the Treatment of Low T

Testosterone Cypionate Brands
When it comes to testosterone therapy, there is none better for men with Low T than testosterone cypionate injections. This form of treatment offers superior benefits with the longest span between injections. It is also the most economically priced way of correcting low testosterone levels. For some people, the best testosterone injections brand available today is Depo-Testosterone. There is no difference between pharmacy compounded testosterone cypionate and Depo-Testosterone or Watson, made by Pfizer and now Actavis (recently purchased Watson) respectively. All forms of testosterone cypionate are suspended in cottonseed oil and offer the longest-lasting, safe and effective treatment for Low T. The reason some people stick with the testosterone injections brand name Depo-Testosterone is the same reason they may choose designer jeans or purses. They believe that a certain brand is better; and whether that is true or not about other things, as long as your testosterone cypionate injections come from a licensed US pharmacy, you can expect superior quality and results.Testosterone Enanthate Brands
Testosterone enanthate injections are another excellent option, although not as commonly used as testosterone cypionate since shots have to be given more frequently. Testosterone cypionate is administered on average of once every two weeks, with testosterone enanthate once every seven to ten days. This also makes it more expensive to use than testosterone cypionate. The most recognizable testosterone injection brand names for enanthate are Delatestryl and Watson. In this form, the medication suspension is in sesame oil. Just as with testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate can also be compounded by the pharmacy to the same rigid standards and high quality as the brand name medications. Other brands of testosterone injections are not as highly recommended. Testosterone undecanoate which goes by the brand name Aveed is extremely expensive and carries an increased risk of allergic reactions. This injection must be given at the doctor’s office, and although it is longer lasting, is not recommended by most hormone specialists in the US at this time. Testosterone propionate is a short term option due to its diminished half-life and a higher risk of side effects for long-term use. It is rarely prescribed, and often only as a quick adjunct with another form of treatment for Low T. For additional information about the various brands of testosterone injections, or to speak with a hormone replacement therapy specialist about your particular situation, please contact Kingsberg Medical for a no-cost consultation by phone.Get Started