Testosterone Therapy for Men and Women –
What Is It and How It Can Help You?

Many questions exist about the use of testosterone therapy for men and women. Doctor-prescribed testosterone therapy is a safe treatment for men and women. In this review, we will discuss the following:
- The best forms of testosterone treatment for men and women
- Effects upon starting testosterone therapy
- The benefits of testosterone replacement therapy
- Possible side effects of testosterone therapy
- Safety of supplemental testosterone
- Cost of testosterone therapy
- Insurance coverage for testosterone treatment
- How to start testosterone replacement therapy
One hundred years ago, in 1920, the life expectancy was 53.6 years for men and 54.6 years for women in the US. Today, in 2020, it is roughly 76 years and 2 months for men and 81 years and 1 month for women. That is a significant difference and highlights how much longer we need to maintain proper hormonal balance in our bodies. Testosterone levels did not have to last as long 100 years ago as they do now.
The problem with testosterone decline may not occur until a person enters his or her fifties, sixties, or later, but it actually starts back when most people are in their twenties. Testosterone production slows at a rate of about 1 percent each year, starting before age thirty. Some people may experience a decrease of as much as 2 percent yearly. While that may not seem like much at first, 20 to 30 years of a 2 percent decline, a man or woman may have 40 to 60 percent less testosterone in their bloodstream. That is where the trouble begins. With adults now living more than twenty years longer than they did one hundred years ago, the decrease in testosterone levels can have a detrimental effect on health and well-being.
That leads us to our first question: what is testosterone therapy?

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the way of giving back to the body what it no longer produces. TRT is not an anti-aging treatment or enhancement for athletes. It is a medical treatment designed to provide the body with a supplemental dose of testosterone to restore hormonal balance and reverse any symptoms associated with low testosterone (Low T).
Testosterone therapy is a safe form of hormone replacement for men and women with symptoms due to low testosterone levels.
What Is the Best Treatment for Low Testosterone?

Because there are many options available on the market today, we are frequently asked about the best testosterone replacement therapy for men and women. Due to the inherent differences between males and females (men have significantly higher testosterone levels than women), male testosterone formulations are not the best option for females with their lower dosage needs.
Below, we look at the different choices available for Low T treatment, and what our doctors here at Kingsberg Medical recommend:
- Testosterone therapy for men:
- Testosterone cypionate and enanthate injections (we do not include testosterone undecanoate in this list due to its high risk of dangerous side effects)
- Transdermal testosterone skin patches
- Testosterone gel (both skin and nasal)
- Implantable testosterone pellets
- Transbuccal testosterone tablets
Our doctors choice: testosterone cypionate and enanthate injections
The reasons for this selection include the high level of effectiveness of once-weekly shots, the superior benefits, the lowest cost of all options, and the reduced risk of adverse reactions and cross-contamination seen with some of the other products listed.
- Testosterone therapy for women:
- Compounded testosterone cream
- Transdermal gel or skin patches
- Implantable testosterone pellets
Our doctors choice: compounded testosterone cream
The reasons for this selection include the ability to control the dosage and strength by having a compounding pharmacy prepare it to each woman’s needs, lowest cost, superior benefits, excellent absorption, and reduced risk of side effects.
The best options for testosterone therapy are testosterone cypionate and enanthate injections for males and compounded testosterone cream for females.
What Happens When You Start Taking Testosterone?
Upon the administration of testosterone therapy, the supplemental testosterone enters the bloodstream to travel to the body’s many androgen receptors (AR). We find these AR cells on nearly all tissues, including in the brain. Testosterone enters the cells to stimulate their actions that can then benefit the body.
Testosterone therapy effects are crucial for healthy metabolism, heart functions, cognitive performance, emotional well-being, hair growth, bone density, muscle tone, sleep, energy, and sexual functions.
Most adults begin to feel some of the effects of testosterone therapy within the first two weeks of treatment. Benefits for body composition are usually visually noticeable by the end of three months.
What Are the Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone therapy has one specific purpose – improving the symptoms of Low T in adults. By carrying out this mission, it provides widespread benefits of testosterone replacement therapy that influence relationships, work performance, social activities, and family life.
Testosterone replacement therapy benefits for men and women include:
- Better sleep
- More energy
- Enhanced sex drive
- Improved erectile functions (men)
- Better vaginal lubrication (women)
- Stronger orgasms
- Happier mood
- Increased motivation and productivity
- Better focus, cognitive processing, and memory
- Less depression
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Lower body fat
- More muscle mass
- Stronger bones and muscles
- Increased self-confidence
- Improved desire for socialization and activities
- Better hair growth
- Decreased symptoms of PMS and menopause, including hot flashes and night sweats (women)
- Increased red blood cell production
- Lower LDL and total cholesterol and triglyceride levels
- Improved insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake
- More normalized blood pressure levels
Testosterone therapy provides benefits to all areas of a person’s life.
What Are the Side Effects of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
As with other medications, testosterone therapy is not without the prospect of potential side effects. The risk of adverse reactions is lowest when using TRT as prescribed by a doctor. Illegal use, abuse, or misuse are the most common cause of testosterone replacement therapy side effects, such as:
- Worsening of sleep apnea
- Oily skin
- Acne
- Sperm cell decline and infertility (males)
- Testicular shrinkage (males)
- Polycythemia (elevated blood cell count)
- Gynecomastia (male breast enlargement)
- Clitoral enlargement (females)
- Depending of the voice (females)
- Headaches
- Changes in facial, scalp, or body hair growth
- Fatigue
- Depression
Testosterone therapy side effects occur most often in those who abuse, misuse, or illegally use this medication.
Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy Safe in the Long Term?
Long-term testosterone therapy has an excellent track record, and significant research in males diagnosed with hypogonadism (Low T). Past concerns over increased risks of prostate cancer and heart attacks have long been put to rest. If anything, testosterone has excellent benefits for both the heart and the prostate.
Is testosterone replacement therapy safe for women?
While more research is necessary for long-term female usage of TRT, we have not seen any concerning reports of adverse reactions. Many of our clients here at Kingsberg Medical are females who receive testosterone therapy to help them deal with the symptoms associated with menopause.
As long as testosterone therapy is prescribed by a hormone specialist, and the appropriate interim blood tests are run, there is no reason to expect anything other than the safe use of this medication.
How Much Does Testosterone Therapy Cost?

Another frequently asked question, how much does testosterone therapy cost, is not as straightforward to answer. The price that any person will pay for his or her testosterone therapy depends on the following factors:
- Dosage of testosterone
- Duration of treatment
- Type of testosterone therapy prescribed
Most people will find that testosterone therapy is significantly lower than other forms of hormone therapy. Women typically pay slightly more than $100 per month, with men a lit bit higher. Again, the actual price depends on the dosage and type of testosterone treatment.
Does Insurance Cover Low Testosterone Therapy?
The testosterone therapy cost is rarely covered by insurance for men. It may be different for women, depending on the diagnosis and the insurance company. Kingsberg Medical recommends calling and speaking with a representative at your insurance company to determine what is covered under your policy.
Because testosterone therapy is extremely affordable, most people do not have an issue of paying for their monthly treatment medications.
How to Start Testosterone Therapy
It is necessary to work with a qualified and experienced hormone specialist to receive testosterone therapy. Online clinics, such as Kingsberg Medical, provide adult access to some of the nation’s most knowledgeable hormone specialists, including to individuals who otherwise might not be able to seek treatment for Low T depending on their locations and lack of providers.
How do I get testosterone replacement therapy near me?
Every person who wishes to acquire testosterone therapy will undergo the following requirements as part of the diagnostic process:
- Medical consultation – provided by our clinic via a free phone call
- Blood analysis – in person at a local laboratory (we have arranged for low-cost testing nationwide)
- Physical examination – in person with any local doctor (we provide the medical form for completion)
- Health history – our questionnaire is available online for easy access
- Follow-up consultation – again, via telemedicine phone call
For additional information about testosterone therapy, or your free consultation with one of our knowledgeable and experienced medical advisors, contact Kingsberg Medical today. The consultation is free and confidential.
Brian Leeber