Is Testosterone Therapy Safe?

You may have heard about the benefits that can come from using testosterone replacement therapy to combat the symptoms of Low T, but you may also be wondering is testosterone therapy safe. This is an important question to ask because not all testosterone is safe to use.
Here are some important facts to know about this subject:
- Testosterone given in oral form as a pill is not considered safe due to its high level of liver toxicity
- Testosterone pellets that are implanted under the surface of the skin may not be safe for the following reasons:
- The pellets could work their way out of the skin and not provide the desired treatment
- If there is any adverse reaction or problem, the pellets are extremely difficult for a doctor to remove.
- Testosterone that has not been prescribed by a doctor may not be what is needed by the individual, and could cause adverse reactions
- Testosterone purchased illegally from the internet could be counterfeit, expired, tainted with bacteria, or made with toxic and dangerous ingredients
- When obtained illegally, testosterone could be subject to confiscation in shipment
When asking is testosterone replacement therapy safe, please remember that even over-the-counter medications all come with some warnings of dangerous interactions, side effects, and other risk factors. That does not stop people from taking an OTC painkiller for a bad headache – do not let the fear of potential side effects keep you from reaching out to a hormone replacement specialist to learn about safe options for testosterone therapy. Please see the report “Testosterone Therapy Side Effects” on this website.
Can Testosterone Therapy Be Used Long-Term?
Another question frequently asked by men concerned about the symptoms they are experiencing is how safe is testosterone replacement therapy for long-term use. A study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reported on the use of long-term testosterone replacement in older, hypogonadal males.
Here are the findings relating to is testosterone therapy safe for long term use:
- Testosterone replacement therapy was well-tolerated in over 84% of the subjects
- Long-term TRT was well-tolerated in 69% of the participants
- Those men in the study group had a lower incidence of BPH- benign prostatic hypertrophy
- The incidence of prostate cancer was not increased by the use of testosterone therapy
- Subjects had fewer complaints of bladder outlet obstruction symptoms
- There was no increase in incidents of angina, strokes, or myocardial infarctions in patients receiving testosterone for up to 3 years
- Most subjects reported better sleep, libido, mood, energy, and overall feelings of well-being
When inquiring about testosterone therapy, is it safe to use by men with Low T, the answer is a resounding yes – so long as it is appropriately prescribed. That information will be provided in the next section below.
How and Where to Get Safe Testosterone Therapy
The study cited is not the only one to demonstrate the safety of testosterone replacement therapy for men. Decades of research and positive results have made this the treatment of choice by doctors engaging in the care of patients dealing with hormonal deficiencies such as Low T. The answer to, is male testosterone therapy safe, is yes. Finding the right doctor and ensuring that the medication comes from a licensed US pharmacy are the next steps.
Men today have the choice of going to visit a doctor at a local office or contacting a national clinic such as Kingsberg Medical for safe testosterone therapy. The diagnostic process is the same no matter which option is selected, and includes the following steps:
- Consultation with a hormone replacement specialist
- Blood analysis
- Physical examination
- Completion of a medical history questionnaire
The difference is how these steps are carried out:
- National clinics, including Kingsberg Medical, conduct consultations by telephone rather than in person, increasing the level of privacy while saving the client time and money. Blood testing is arranged at a local lab. The client is free to see any physician of his or her choice for the exam, even using a walk-in clinic for added convenience. Medical forms are accessed online for ease of completion.
- Local clinics arrange for office visits that are time-consuming, often bringing added expense, and reduce the option for confidentiality as others will be in the waiting room. Medical forms are typically filled out while sitting in the waiting room, as well. Many clinics draw the blood sample in house, some even charging an extra fee for this, and then send it out to be tested.
When you are looking for testosterone replacement therapy, is it safe to self-diagnose and purchase treatment? The answer is no; you must work with an experienced medical doctor to ensure that the medication you use is what is needed by your body. Please contact Kingsberg Medical for safe, reliable care at affordable prices.
Brian Leeber