Testosterone Replacement Therapy Doctors

There are many different types of doctors that a person can contact when he or she is in need of medical care. The reason that there are medical specialties is to help people get the highest level of care for whatever is ailing them. This is why there are also testosterone therapy doctors to help people who are dealing with hormone deficits as they age.
It would be virtually impossible for any physician to be an expert in all areas of medicine. There is just too much to know and way too many types of surgeries, medications, protocols, and other methods of providing care to not have specialists with a high degree of knowledge in a particular area. In the case of testosterone replacement therapy doctors, these experts are providers of a variety of different types of hormone treatments. They understand how to check for and test if a person has too much or too little of a particular chemical messenger in his or her body.
Hormones keep the body balanced. They provide the crucial signals that are needed by target cells, organs, and tissues. Low testosterone doctors look at the various symptoms as well as a number of other factors when diagnosing a decline in these essential chemicals.
The high level of expertise in this field makes doctors who prescribe testosterone therapy the ideal choice for a person of middle age who is starting to slow down, see his or her toned body turn to flab, lose interest in sex, or worried about dementia caused by memory loss.
Benefits of Contacting Testosterone Therapy Doctors
Many benefits can be had by contacting a testosterone doctor. The first is the knowledge that your symptoms are not going to be brushed aside as “aging.” That is a lament we hear all too often here at Kingsberg Medical. Men and women call us all the time with stories of being told by their own physicians just to lose weight, take vitamins, or get used to the changes in their bodies.
These knowledgeable health care providers do not know enough to offer doctor prescribed testosterone to their patients. It is not their area of specialty so they cannot be blamed or held at fault for not recognizing the signs of hormone deficiency. In fact, since the body has around 60 different of these vital chemical messengers, it takes a specialist to determine which one or ones may be dealing with decline.
Contacting a doctor for low testosterone means that you are dealing with at least a few of the symptoms below that are often confused with aging:
- Fatigue, lack of energy, no endurance
- Weight gain – predominantly belly fat
- Decrease in muscle size and strength due to loss of lean muscle tissue
- Stiffness, joint pains, loss of height caused by decreased bone density
- Memory loss, cognitive impairment, reduced focus
- Heart disease, high cholesterol
- Hair thinning or loss – male pattern balding (women)
- Low or absent libido
- Erectile problems in men
- Vaginal dryness in women
- Hot flashes, night sweats
- Depression, anxiety, mood changes, poor outlook
- Sleep apnea
- Insomnia or other sleep issues
Any combination of the above symptoms will be recognized by the hormone replacement specialist as possible signs of Low T – a condition that is easily treatable.
Where to Find Testosterone Replacement Therapy Doctors
Finding qualified doctors who treat low testosterone is not difficult when you know where to look. Hormone replacement therapy is the traditional name for this type of medical treatment. It encompasses the most common forms of supplementation that men and women may need in their mid to later years of life.
You can find testosterone doctors in a number of different ways:
- Asking your own physician for a referral – but remember, this may be the same person who dismissed your symptoms so he or she may not have the appropriate answer
- Asking friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family members who may have already received HRT whom they went to for help
- Looking online for doctors specializing in testosterone therapy – this can yield a number of answers that are not what you are looking for, so be careful with this search
In order to get real, legal doctor prescribed testosterone injections, you want to avoid online websites that are not linked to an actual medical clinic. Stay away from sales only companies since they do not have medical staff on board and are selling medications illegally if they do not require a valid prescription. You only want to get your testosterone from valid licensed US pharmacies.
Hormone replacement clinics can be found locally or nationally. The benefits of a national clinic include:
- A sometimes higher level of expertise due to the greater number of people who have been treated
- Cost savings since no office visits to the clinic are required
- Enhanced privacy and confidentiality
- Immediate contact with hormone replacement professionals – no waiting for an appointment
Kingsberg Medical offers free consultations to men and women who are concerned their hormone levels are decreasing based on symptoms that they are experiencing. If you are worried about the changes you are seeing, please contact us to learn more about how we can help you.