Testosterone Levels Chart

It can be very confusing for a man to look at a testosterone levels chart and wonder if he has Low T. The normal cutoff of total testosterone varies a bit from one lab to another, with a typical range of 270 to 1,070 ng/dl. The American Urological Association (AUA) considers values below 300 ng/dL as an acceptable standard for the diagnosis of low testosterone. However, the AUA also acknowledges that men with levels higher than 300 ng/dL can be testosterone deficient and that it is up to the diagnostician (hormone specialist) to determine qualification for treatment.
Testosterone levels fluctuate considerably during the day, affected by exercise, food consumption, stress, and other variables. That is why testing is performed first thing in the morning, while the individual is fasting from the night before (no food after midnight).
A new testosterone levels by age chart for men is the result of a harmonized reference range of total testosterone from four cohort studies out of the US and Europe. The studies used to determine the normal testosterone levels chart are:
- Framingham Heart Study
- Male Sibling Study of Osteoporosis
- Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study
- European Male Aging Study
The resulting testosterone levels age chart for men is shown in the next section.
What are normal testosterone levels chart results going to tell me?
As you look at the charts in the next sections, remember these are averages. They will provide you with an idea of where you fall in the range, and whether you should speak with a doctor about hormone therapy.
The testosterone levels chart averages help people know if they can benefit from testosterone therapy.
Testosterone Levels Chart for Men
As we have stated, the testosterone levels chart can vary significantly from one lab to another. Many of our clients visit a LabCorp location, which lists male total testosterone levels as in the range of 264 to 916 ng/dL for all men over age 18. These new guidelines from July 2017 replace the previous range of 348 to 1197 ng/dL. The reference range is based on healthy, nonobese males between 19 and 39 years of age.
In the average testosterone levels by age chart below, we find the results of the four harmonized cohorts previously mentioned. This total male testosterone levels by age chart is broken down by age showing all nonobese men first, followed by all men, and looks at six different percentile categories: 2.5, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 97.5:
Percentile |
19 to 39 |
40 to 49 |
50 to 59 |
60 to 69 |
70 to 79 |
80 to 99 |
All Nonobese Men: ng/dL |
2.5 |
267 |
234 |
219 |
218 |
218 |
157 |
10.0 |
344 |
310 |
297 |
296 |
292 |
278 |
25.0 |
424 |
386 |
374 |
374 |
372 |
362 |
50.0 |
531 |
481 |
477 |
477 |
477 |
476 |
75.0 |
643 |
68 |
605 |
604 |
604 |
604 |
97.5 |
929 |
929 |
929 |
929 |
926 |
913 |
All Men: ng/dL |
2.5 |
229 |
208 |
192 |
190 |
190 |
119 |
10.0 |
318 |
283 |
262 |
260 |
259 |
256 |
25.0 |
396 |
358 |
341 |
340 |
340 |
338 |
50.0 |
507 |
461 |
446 |
446 |
446 |
446 |
75.0 |
626 |
588 |
573 |
572 |
572 |
572 |
97.5 |
902 |
902 |
902 |
902 |
902 |
902 |
As you can see, when adding in obese men, the average levels drop significantly. Obesity has long been linked to low testosterone in men.
Doctors may also measure free testosterone levels to determine how much testosterone is available to the androgen receptor cells. The following LabCorp free
testosterone levels in men chart breaks it down by age:
Age |
Range pg/mL |
20 to 29 |
9.3 to 26.5 |
30 to 39 |
8.7 to 25.1 |
40 to 49 |
6.8 to 21.5 |
50 to 59 |
7.2 to 24.0 |
Over age 59 |
6.6 to 18.1 |
The average testosterone levels chart helps determine what percentile a man falls under based on age.
Testosterone Levels Chart for Women
Women have considerably less testosterone in their bodies than men, reducing the need for a normal testosterone levels by age chart. That does not make it any less important. If anything, because there is a lower amount of testosterone, it becomes even more important to protect it from decline.
According to LabCorp, women between the ages of 20 and 49 should have between 8 and 48 ng/dL of testosterone. For those females over age 49, the amount decreases to between 3 and 41 ng/dL.
LabCorp takes it a step further showing that premenopausal women may fall into the 10 to 55 ng/dL range, with those that are postmenopausal between 7 and 40 ng/dL.
Because women have less testosterone in their bodies, the testosterone levels chart is not as detailed as it is for men who experience a considerable decline as they age.
Interpreting the Testosterone Levels Chart
Any interpretation of the daily testosterone levels chart should be performed by a specially trained hormone doctor – an endocrinologist. It is easy to assume that if a person’s testosterone levels are lower than the normal range, that he or she has Low T. That is not always the case. A diagnosis of low testosterone requires there to be symptoms of the decline present, as well. That is also why some people with test results in the lower normal range of the testosterone levels chart may have diagnosed testosterone deficiency even though they are above the cutoff amount.
For women, testosterone levels chart results also look at other factors by the doctor, including menstrual cycle issues, PMS symptoms, and menopause effects.
If you have concerns over low testosterone or any other hormonal imbalance, please contact Kingsberg Medical today. We offer free, confidential telemedicine phone consultations to men and women throughout the US.
Brian Leeber